失われた日本の30年ではありますが、日本の良さ・強みは存在しております。強みを生かし、弱みを補強し、人財育成 と価値情報の提供を通して、日本の未来に明るさを届けたいと考えております。よろしくお願いもうしあげます。
①ITデジタル ②イノベーション ③プロダクトマネジメント ④人財育成・リスキリング になります。 サービスの内容は、メニューよりご確認ください。
①持続的開発SDGs ②カーボンニュートラルGX ③外国語English。 現在準備中ですので、お待ちください。
Thank you for visiting our website.
We have been providing global management and IT advisory services, various professional support, seminar education and training, etc. for more than 20 years since we became independent, based on the experience we learned in global companies in Japan, the U.S., and Europe, and now we provide human resource development services in addition to various solution services.(Availabe in English)
Although Japan has lost 30 years of its history, its advantages and strengths are still present. We hope to bring brightness to Japan's future by leveraging its strengths, reinforcing its weaknesses, and providing human resource development and value information. We look forward to working with you.
【Main service items】
(1) IT Digital, (2) Innovation, (3) Product Management, (4) Human Resource Development and Reskilling. Please refer to the menu for details.
【Provideng new information】
We are planning to provid new information via our website. (1) Suatainable Development SDGs (2) Carbon Nuetral GX (3) Foreign Language English . Now work in process , please wait.
I have over 30 years of cross-functional business practice in research product development, marketing, product management, production management, finance, business management, and IT systems in global companies in Japan, the US, and Europe.
Based on these practices and theories, I provide adovisery services, seminars, and training to industry, academia, and government, and teach management and product development at ministry-affiliated colledge as a guest professor.
Japan has the lowest level of "learning" among developed countries, so we support reskilling and lifelong learning of management talent through the "Management Reskilling Training" program as an "investment in people." English support is also available.
研究テーマreserch thema:
・人財育成human resource development
・デジタルdigital transformation
・持続的開発sustainable development
・カーボンニュートラルcarbon neutral